State information

Your local utility company maintains the equipment that gets electricity and natural gas to your home. If you experience a power outage or gas leak, contact your utility for assistance. Select your state to view utility contact information and license and disclosure details.

Select your state:

Historical pricing
Small commercial prices

Environmental disclosure labels
Quarterly environmental disclosure label

Electricity utilities
United Illuminating Company

As a Connecticut customer, you have the opportunity to advise Direct Energy how you would like to receive your regulatory notices. Click here to find the ways in which Direct Energy can keep in contact with you and deliver your mandated notices.

License information
Residential: Direct Energy Services, LLC Docket 06-03-06 - Application of Direct Energy Services, LLC for an Electric License Application / Docket 06-03-06RE01 - Application of Direct Energy Services, LLC for an Electric Supplier License - Reopening Due to Statute Change / Docket 06-03-06RE02 - Application of Direct Energy Services, LLC for Electric Supplier License - Five-year Renewal / Docket 06-03-06RE03 - Application of Direct Energy Services, LLC for an Electric Supplier License - Five-year Renewal-Compliance with Conn. Gen. Stat. §16-245O(G)(1) / Docket No. 13-07-17, PURA Investigation Into Direct Energy Services, LLC's Trade Practices, a concluded investigation docket / Gas Direct Energy Services, LLC License - 01-04

Small business: Direct Energy Business, LLC CT PURA License Nos. 12-03; 00-05-14RE01; 

PURA contact information
Ten Franklin Square, New Britain, CT 06051
Phone: 1-860-827-1553

Historical pricing
Residential and small commercial prices

Future pricing
Illinois future variable pricing

Environmental disclosure labels
Ameren environmental disclosure label
ComEd environmental disclosure label

Electricity utilities

Gas utilities
Nicor Gas
North Shore Gas
Peoples Gas

License information
Direct Energy Services, LLC - Electric - Docket 05-0722 Direct Energy Services, LLC - Gas - Docket 05-0086

Price to compare
Nicor Gas
Direct Energy is not the same entity as your gas delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Direct Energy. Beginning on December 1, 2024, the utility gas supply cost rate is $0.2500 per therm. The utility gas supply cost will expire on December 31, 2024. For more information, please visit the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at

North Shore Gas
Direct Energy is not the same entity as your gas delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Direct Energy. Beginning on December 1, 2024, the utility gas supply cost rate is $0.4490 per therm. The utility gas supply cost will expire on December 31, 2024. For more information, please visit the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at

Peoples Gas
Direct Energy is not the same entity as your gas delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Direct Energy. Beginning on December 1, 2024, the utility gas supply cost rate is $0.3173 per therm. The utility gas supply cost will expire on December 31, 2024. For more information, please visit the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at

Direct Energy is not the same entity as your electric and gas delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Direct Energy. Beginning on October 1, 2024, the electric supply price to compare is 8.09¢/kWh. The utility electric supply price will expire on May 31, 2025. The purchased electricity adjustment factor may range between +.5 cents and -.5 cents per kilowatt hour. For more information, please visit the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at

Direct Energy is not the same entity as your electric and gas delivery company. You are not required to enroll with Direct Energy. Beginning on October 1, 2024, the electric supply price to compare is 6.47¢/kWh. The electric utility electric supply price will expire on May 31, 2025. The purchased electricity adjustment factor may range between +.5 cents and -.5 cents per kilowatt hour. For more information, please visit the Illinois Commerce Commission's free website at

Learn about net metering

Gas utilities
Consumers Energy

License information
Direct Energy Services, LLC - Electric - Case No. U-14724, Gas - Case No. U-14537

Environmental disclosure labels
Environmental disclosure labels

Electricity utilities
National Grid

License information
Direct Energy Services, LLC Electric License: D-96-6(U2)
Direct Energy Services, LLC Natural Gas License: 2378(T1)

Electricity utilities
If you lose power and can't reach your utility company, also known as a Transmission and Distribution Service Provider (TDSP), your smart meter should automatically alert them about the outage.

Always report dangerous conditions, like fallen power lines or poles, and stay at least 35 feet away from them.

CenterPoint Energy
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Texas-New Mexico Power
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Lubbock Power & Light
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Historical pricing

Direct Energy Bright Choice Plan
CenterPoint Utility (Houston Area) - Direct Energy Power to Go® Plans
Oncor Utility (Dallas/Fort Worth Area) - Direct Energy Power to Go® Plans

License information
Residential: PUCT Cert. No. 10040
Small business: PUCT Cert No. 10011

Need help placing an order?
Texas customers: Call us at 1-855-461-1926
Northeast and Midwest customers: Contact us

Questions about your current service?
Texas customers: Call us at 1-888-305-3828
Northeast and Midwest customers: Contact us