Quick and easy energy-saving tips for your home

Direct Energy, December 20, 2023

4 minute read

Quick and easy energy-saving tips for your home

Direct Energy, December 20, 2023

4 minute read

With prices on the rise around the country, including the natural gas and electric industry, it's helpful to know about energy-saving strategies for your home. Use our simple tips to help you save energy and lower the cost of your utility bill. 

Woman changing out a traditional watt lightbulb for an LED bulb
Woman changing out a traditional watt lightbulb for an LED bulb
Woman changing out a traditional watt lightbulb for an LED bulb

How to save energy

If you want to save money on your electricity bill but aren't sure how to get started, you've come to the right place. There are many devices in a home that use energy and can rack up the cost of your monthly electricity bill. Implementing some of these energy-saving tips can improve the energy efficiency of your home and will, in turn, lower the cost of your energy bill.

Start with LED light bulbs

Start your energy-saving journey by making the switch and updating the lightbulbs in your home. Unscrew those incandescent light bulbs and replace them with LED light bulbs. LED bulbs use less energy to emit light than incandescent ones, so by swapping out those bulbs, you'll start seeing the savings on your energy bill.

Even after the new LED bulbs are installed, make sure you continue your energy-saving habits by turning off the lights after you leave the room. We’ve all fallen asleep with the light on – set your lamps to a night timer to easily ensure you're not wasting electricity overnight. 

Unplug appliances to save electricity

One of the simplest ways to reduce your energy usage is to be conscious of which appliances in your home are plugged in, but not in use. Devices that are plugged in will use electricity, even if the device itself is turned off – also known as phantom power or energy vampires.

So, how can you prevent phantom power from making its way onto your electricity bill? One way to save energy is to unplug appliances that are used on an as-needed basis, like the toaster or coffee maker.

If you have multiple plugs in use in one area of the house, you can alleviate the hassle of unplugging all the cords by organizing them on a power strip. Utilizing a power strip is a helpful tool because, with one flip of the switch, you can control when energy will be used or not.

Energy-saving tips for your air conditioner

Did you know that your air conditioner is guilty of using the most energy out of every appliance in a home? If you're curious how the other appliances and home systems rank, we broke down what consumes the most energy in a typical home.

One way you can combat this is by turning down the air when you're leaving the house, which is a quick solution to save energy and reduce your electricity bill.

Thermostats have evolved over the years from a simple dial on the wall to a whole digital keypad. Did you know that you might have a smart thermostat, even if it's not a fancy touchscreen? Smart thermostats range in their capabilities, but some have settings that allow you to program a temperature schedule into the device. You can set your thermostat to run at specific temperatures based on the time of day. This means your home will remain at the temperature you like while you're around and you'll save energy while you're away.

Want to learn more ways to save energy? Check out these 25 energy-efficient tips that will help boost your electricity savings!

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